Prostate Volume Calculator

Disclaimer: The information provided by this prostate volume calculator is intended solely for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The accuracy of the results is not guaranteed, and users are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider for clinical judgment and personalized recommendations.

The calculator provides two methods for estimating prostate volume:

Ellipsoid Volume: This method calculates the prostate volume using the formula: Volume=L×W×H×π6\text{Volume} = \frac{L \times W \times H \times \pi}{6}Volume=6L×W×H×π​where LLL (length), WWW (width), and HHH (height) are the dimensions of the prostate in centimeters.

“Bullet” Volume: This alternative method may offer a more accurate representation of prostate volume, particularly for glands smaller than 55 mL. The formula used is:Volume=L×W×H×5π24\text{Volume} = \frac{L \times W \times H \times 5\pi}{24}Volume=24L×W×H×5π​

The PSA density calculation is based on these volumes, assuming the dimensions are provided in centimeters and the PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) value in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).

For a more comprehensive understanding of these methods, you can refer to the study by MacMahon PJ, Kennedy A-M, Murphy DT, and colleagues, titled “Modified prostate volume algorithm improves transrectal US volume estimation in men presenting for prostate brachytherapy.” This study, published in Radiology in 2009, provides detailed insights into the accuracy of prostate volume estimation methods, particularly highlighting the benefits of using a “bullet” volume formula for more accurate measurements in certain cases.